Barn Lodge Childcare
Barn Lodge Childcare
Covid 19 - Policy and Procedures
The Setting
-We will continue to use the Play Barn as our main area. Parents should drop off and collect from the Play Barn door.
- We will continue with the hand sanitising before entering the Play Barn.
- Please leave personal items in your children bags.
- As the weather changes we will continue to have as much outdoor play as possible. Please provide wet weather clothes and wellies.
-We will have days when our barn doors will be open and the log burner on. Please make sure your child is clothed in layers so will can ensure that they are warm enough.
- We will of course monitor the temperature in the play barn, getting the right balance between fresh air and warmth.
- We regularly disinfect surfaces and contact points i.e door handles and light switches
- Limited toys available at anyone time to allow for cleaning in between uses
- Regular washing or sanitising of hands for both children and staff
- Disposable paper towel for drying of hands
- Toilet sprayed with disinfectant after each use
- Nappy changing area disinfected after each use
- Staff to use disposable gloves (PPE when appropriate ) when changing nappies, assisting with trips to the toilet and the wiping of faces, noses etc.
- All children have their own drinks bottles/cups.
- Dummies are sterilised throughout the day
- Individual trays for messy play
- Sleep Blankets used once and washed
- Cots, buggies and highchairs disinfected after each use.
- We can not accept any children in that have had calpol (paracetamol) or nurofen (Ibuprofen) within the last 6 hours of arriving.
unless it is for a condition that is not contagious and has been diagnosed by a doctor.
- We will continue to administer prescription medication and teething powders and gels.
We fully appreciate that it is very difficult to distinguish between colds, flu and Covid. We have to always put the safety of the children, staff and their families first.
We ask that you keep your child at home if they have any of the following symptoms and follow government guidelines where necessary.
- Fever
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Unusual tiredness / fatigue
- Loss of appetite (not eating meals)
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Sticky eyes (conjunctivitis)
- Continuous green nasal discharge
- No visitors who have tested positive in the last 10 days or currently suffering with symptoms
- Visitors to follow the government guideline regards face covering
- Visitors to sanitise hands before entering
*These are Covid-19 symptoms as defined by NHS